Colorado State University – Pueblo


Welcome to CIS311

My name is Mehran (Ron) Viseh and I have been teaching Information Technology (IT) courses since 2004. I earned my B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science and, Ph.D. in Management Information Systems (MIS). Professionally, I have been working in the IT industry since 1984 with combination of technical knowledge, web programming, database management, and networking. Currently, I am a full-time Web Team Supervisor. I have a passion for helping students succeed and enjoy encouraging students to grow in their professional lives.

Technology is growing at an exponential rate and it shapes the job market with many new complex fields. As technology continues to affect our lives, IT students need to be prepared with critical problem solving skill sets to adapt and succeed in the workplace. My philosophy of teaching as a senior IT industry professional focuses on preparing students to truly add value to a potential employer in the business world. In my opinion, technology students must be educated to become critical problem solvers and my role as an instructor is to prepare them to be successful in solving real business world problems.

Every student is a unique individual with unique needs, capabilities, and desires. Each course that I have taught has been a learning experience for both the students and myself. Teaching is a very challenging endeavor, but it is also very rewarding. Seeing students truly grasp the meaning of the material, how it relates to other courses, and how it can be used in practical applications, is one of the most exciting parts of being an instructor.

My research interests have revolved around web applications, content management, database management, data mining, dynamic pages, static pages, search engines, and Internet Visibility.

Ron Viseh